BASEC ID Project title Type of project Type of clinical trial Study phase (clinical trials only) multi- / monocentric Category Principal investigator Sponsor Investigational sites Lead EC Local EC(s) Approval date Minors Study Ended
2021-02502 Evolution of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence of blood donors during and after the pandemic non clinical, involving persons multicentric A Christoph Niederhauser Interregionale Blutspende SRK Interregionale Blutspende SRK, Bern
Stiftung Blutspendezentrum SRK beider Basel, Basel
Centre de Transfusion Sanguine, Geneve
Stiftung Blutspende SRK Ostschweiz, St. Gallen
Fondazione Servicio Trasfus More ...
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ, Ethikkommission Ostschweiz (EKOS), Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD), Commission Cantonale d'éthique de More ... 12.08.2022
2021-02501 Exploration and comparison of novel technology-supported methods for early fall risk detection and fall prevention among inpatients with delirium clinical trial other clinical trials monocentric A Dr. phil. Wolfgang Hasemann Universitäre Altersmedizin Felix Platter Universitäre Altersmedizin Felix Platter, Basel
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ 03.01.2023
2021-02500 A pilot feasibility study to promote physical activity motivation in cardiovascular disease patients clinical trial other clinical trials monocentric A Prof. Dr. Claudio Nigg Universität Bern Universität Bern, Bern
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern 15.08.2022 Study has ended
2021-02498 Biophysical and Functional Analysis and Characterization of Retinal Retention Approaches personal data/biological material monocentric Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg Berner Augenklinik Berner Augenklinik am Lindenhofspital, Bern
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern 09.05.2022 Study has ended
2021-02497 Towards understanding the long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2: Analysis of patients attending the outpatient Post-Covid-Clinic at the University Hospital Basel - a single centre cohort study personal data/biological material monocentric PD. Dr. M. Mayr Universitätsspital Basel Universität Basel, Basel
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ 02.02.2022
2021-02496 Fatigue monitoring: Grip strength in relation to heart rate variability, explosive strength of the lower limbs and well-being level non clinical, involving persons monocentric A Mr Francis Degache Haute école fédérale de sport de Macolin MotionLab, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) 26.04.2022
2021-02495 An outcome-adaptive and randomised multi-arm biomarker driven study in patients with metastatic prostate cancer (ProBio) clinical trial drugs phase 3 multicentric C Prof. Dr. med. Frank Stenner Karolinska Institute Sweden University Hospital Basel, Basel
St. Claraspital, Kleinriehenstrasse 30, 4058 Basel
Kantonsspital Aarau, Aarau
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ 01.03.2022
2021-02493 Machine learning for the radiological diagnosis of hand osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: towards a machine-assisted clinical practice personal data/biological material monocentric Prof Thomas Hügle CHUV CHUV, Lausanne
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) 06.01.2022
2021-02492 SAKK 16/00 SP TR3 Body comp
Translational research subproject to SAKK 16/00 trial .
Efficacy and toxicity of systemic anticancer therapies in the randomized clinical trial SAKK 16/00 according to th More ...
personal data/biological material monocentric Dr med et Dr phil. Berna Özdemir SAKK Inselspital Bern, Bern
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern 26.07.2022 Study has ended
2021-02491 Carotid Atherosclerosis and Stroke Collaboration (CASCO) personal data/biological material monocentric PD Dr. med. MSc Mirjam Heldner Inselspital, University hospital Bern, Bern
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern 26.01.2022
2021-02490 Sensing physical activity to Evaluate and Monitor a routine aftercare program (SensE-M) – an observational study non clinical, involving persons multicentric A Viktor von Wyl University of Zurich Institute für Implementation Science in Health Care, Zurich
Kliniken Valens, Valens
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich Ethikkommission Ostschweiz (EKOS) 08.02.2022 Study has ended
2021-02489 The Tarso-Metatarsal and 1-2 Intermetatarsal Reorientation Fusion for Central Metatarsalgia.
A Prospective Observational Single Surgeon Case Series
non clinical, involving persons monocentric A PD Kaj Klaue Clinica Luganese Moncucco Moncucco, Lugano
Comitato etico cantonale Ticino 08.03.2022
2021-02488 Double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase IIa trial on the efficacy and tolerability of an 8-week treatment with two different doses of budesonide orodispersible tablets vs. placebo for prev More ... clinical trial drugs phase 2 monocentric C PD Dr. med. Christoph Schlag Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich 29.03.2022
2021-02486 Exploring the Recovery Function of Sleep in Neurodegeneration - an Observational Cross-Sectional Study clinical trial other clinical trials monocentric A Dr. phil. Angelina Maric Universitätsspital Zürich University Hospital Zurich, Department of Neurology, Zurich
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich 08.03.2022
2021-02485 Acute Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as a complication of Scaphoid Reconstruction personal data/biological material monocentric Prof. Dr. med. Ladislav Nagy Universitätsklinik Balgrist Universitätsklinik Balgrist, Zürich
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich 28.01.2022
2021-02484 Prenatal MRI imaging findings of complex female genitourinary anomalies personal data/biological material monocentric Dre Leonor Alamo MER, PD CHUV - Radiologie Dpt of Radiology, CHUV, Lausanne
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) 01.09.2022
2021-02483 CMHV370A12201 - A multi-center, randomized, participant- and investigator- blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel group basket study to evaluate the safety,
tolerability and efficacy of MHV370 in part More ...
clinical trial drugs phase 2 monocentric C Prof. Dr. med Britta Maurer Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG Universitätspital Bern, Bern
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern 07.06.2022 Study has ended
2021-02482 Objective documentation of foot drop – a validation study non clinical, involving persons monocentric A Dr. sc. Renate List Schulthess Klinik Schulthess Klinik, Zurich
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich 01.02.2022 Study has ended
2021-02481 Akademische, unabhängige, observationale Substudie von ESCAPE-NEXT zur Sammlung, Aufbewahrung und Analyse von Blutproben für die Evaluierung von zirkulierenden Surrogatmarkern für klinisches Outcome non clinical, involving persons multicentric A Prof. Marios-Nikos Psychogios Ludwig Maximillian Universität München University Hospital Basel, Basel
Inselspital Bern, Bern
Kantonsspital Aarau, Aarau
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ, Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern 01.04.2022
2021-02480 Hypomagnésémie et hypophosphatémie chez l’enfant sous ventilation assistée invasive et non invasive : analyse rétrospective de pratique, prévalence, et impact sur la dépendance au soutien ventilatoire More ... personal data/biological material monocentric Dr Maria Helena Perez CHUV - Unité des soins CHUV, Lausanne
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) 28.06.2022