BASEC ID | Project title | Type of project | Type of clinical trial | Study phase (clinical trials only) | multi- / monocentric | Category | Principal investigator | Sponsor | Investigational sites | Lead EC | Local EC(s) | Approval date | Minors | Study Ended | |
2017-01773 | European Prurigo Project (EPP) of the EADV Task Force Pruritus | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Dr. med. Markus Streit | Department of Dermatology Kantonsspital Aarau |
Department of Dermatology Kantonsspital Aarau, 5001 Aarau |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 24.01.2018 | Study has ended | |||||
2017-01772 | Efficacy of Erector Spinae Plane Block for postoperative analgesia in adult patients undergoing Video-Assisted Thoracoscopies | clinical trial | other clinical trials | monocentric | B | Dr Eric Albrecht | CHUV |
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 06.12.2017 | Study has ended | ||||
2017-01771 | Faisabilité et acceptabilité de l’évaluation de la Perception d’être prêt pour le départ de l’hôpital | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Dr Cédric Mabire | IUFRS - Unil - CHUV |
IUFRS, Lausanne |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 16.11.2017 | Study has ended | |||||
2017-01770 |
Komplikationsspektrum nach resezierenden Pankreaseingriffen an zwei Schweizer Institutionen unterschiedlicher Versorgungsniveaus (Masterthese) Spectrum of complications after resecting pancreatic s More ... |
personal data/biological material | multicentric | Prof. Christoph Kettelhack | Universitätsspital Basel |
Universitätsspital Basel, Basel Spitalzentrum Biel, CH-2501 Biel/Bienne |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern | 16.11.2017 | Study has ended | |||||
2017-01769 | Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study to Evaluate the Benefit of the Use of Autologous Glue Prepared with RegenKit-Surgery Device in Abdominoplasty | clinical trial | drugs | n/a | monocentric | C | Dr Ali Modarressi | Regen Lab SA |
Hôpitaux Universitaire de Genève, Genève |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | 03.04.2018 | ||||
2017-01768 | First-in-Man Performance and Safety Evaluation of the CARLO® Device in Midface Osteotomies. | clinical trial | medical devices | multicentric | C | PD Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Dr. phil. A. Müller | Advanced Osteotomy Tools AG (AOT) |
Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, Universitätsspital Basel, Basel Kantonsspital Aarau AG, Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, 5001 Aarau |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 18.12.2017 | Study has ended | |||
2017-01767 |
Clinical outcome and risk factors after the initiation of pulmonary segmentectomy by VATS |
personal data/biological material | multicentric | Dr Benoît Bédat | University Hospitals of Geneva |
University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva Service de chirurgie thoracique, Lausanne |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 21.12.2017 | ||||||
2017-01766 | Psychometrische Eigenschaften der Mini-ICF bei Patienten mit einer stationär behandlungsbedürftigen psychischen Störung. | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Dr. med. Stephan T. Egger | Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich |
Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich, Zürich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 24.11.2017 | Study has ended | ||||||
2017-01765 | Neural and behavioral markers for the motivational negative symptoms of schizophrenia – a longitudinal approach | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Pr Stefan Kaiser | Geneva University Hospitals |
Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | 12.11.2018 | Study has ended | |||||
2017-01763 | Non-Convulsive Status epilepticus in comatose patients in a general intensive care unit setting | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Dr. Manuel Bolognese | Cantonal Hospital of Lucerne |
Cantonal Hospital of Lucerne, Lucerne |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 30.10.2017 | |||||||
2017-01762 | Expression et interaction des isoformes BARD1 and BRCA1 chez des patients contrôles, avec légers troubles cognitifs (mild cognitive impairement) et des malades d’Alzheimer | deceased persons | monocentric | Prof. Eniko Kovari | HUG, Département de santé mentale et psychiatrie |
HUG, Département de santé mentale et psychiatrie, Chene-Bourg |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | 21.12.2017 | |||||||
2017-01761 | Individualized Brain stimulation to improve functional Rehabilitation in two models of sensorimotor disorders: stroke and Parkinson’s disease | non clinical, involving persons | multicentric | A | Professor Friedhelm Christoph Hummel | EPFL - Campus SUVA - CRR P1 09 |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Sion EPFL, Geneva CMU/University of Geneva, Geneva |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | 15.02.2018 | |||||
2017-01760 |
Global Congestive Heart Failure (G‐CHF) A global registry to study the demographics, socioeconomic and clinical factors, etiologies, pathophysiology, management, barriers to care, and outcomes of hea More ... |
non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Prof. Tiziano Moccetti | Hamilton Health Sciences through Population Health Research Institute |
Cardiocentro Ticino, Lugano |
Comitato etico cantonale Ticino | 21.12.2017 | Study has ended | |||||
2017-01759 | Left atrial access for catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Prof. Dr. med. Hildegard Tanner | Inselspital Bern |
Inselspital Bern, Bern |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern | 06.12.2017 | |||||||
2017-01758 | Psychosoziale Bedürfnisse nach Kinderkrebs – Eine Mixed Methods Studie | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Prof. Dr. Gisela Michel | Universität Luzern |
Universität Luzern, Luzern |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 24.01.2018 | Study has ended | |||||
2017-01757 | SMIA_BIO-AX-TBI : BIOmarkers of AXonal injury following Traumatic Brain Injury: a monocentric observational longitudinal outcome study | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Dr Nawfel Ben Hamouda | CHUV-SMIA |
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Service de Médecine Intensive (SMIA), Lausanne |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 29.01.2018 | Study has ended | |||||
2017-01755 | The anterior approach for total hip arthroplasty allows for accurate placement of the implanted components in patients with a BMI > 35kg/m2 | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Dr. med. Alexander Antoniadis |
Klinik für Orthpädie und Traumatologie, Bürgerspital Solothurn, Solothurn |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 15.11.2017 | ||||||||
2017-01754 | A trainee’s perspective on Wide Awake Hand Surgery | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Dr. med. Sebastian Hediger |
Handchirurgie, Spital Bülach, 8180 Bülach |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 09.11.2017 | ||||||||
2017-01753 | EVOlocumab for early reduction of LDL-cholesterol levels in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes (EVOPACS) - A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study. | clinical trial | drugs | phase 3 | multicentric | B | Prof. Dr. Stephan Windecker | Insel Gruppe AG |
Inselspital, Bern Basel University Hospital, Basel Hopitaux Universitaires Geneve, Genève Cardiocentro, Lugano CHUV, Lausanne Hopital Cantonal, Fribourg Universitätsspital Zurich, Zurich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern | Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ, Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich, Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD), Commission Cantonale d'éthique de l More ... | 06.12.2017 | Study has ended | ||
2017-01752 | Memory and Glycemic Control: Does the Age at Onset of Diabetes mellitus Type 1 Influence Future HbA1c Levels? | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Prof. Dr. med. Daniel Konrad, PhD | Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich |
Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich, Zürich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 05.03.2018 | |||||||