BASEC ID | Project title | Type of project | Type of clinical trial | Study phase (clinical trials only) | multi- / monocentric | Category | Principal investigator | Sponsor | Investigational sites | Lead EC | Local EC(s) | Approval date | Minors | Study Ended | |
2016-00901 | Retrospektive Analyse der Implantationsgenauigkeit von Stimulationselektroden nach tiefer Hirnstimulation | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Prof. Dr. med. Claudio Pollo | Inselspital, Klinik fuer Neurochirurgie |
Inselspital, Klinik fuer Neurochirurgie, Bern |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern | 23.06.2016 | |||||||
2016-00900 | Développement d’un score prédictif de la fragilité à partir des données de la statistique médicale du CHUV chaînées individuellement aux données de la cohorte lausannoise des personnes âgées de 65 ans More ... | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Dr Marie-Annick Le Pogam | Institut de Médecine Sociale et Préventive (IUMSP), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) |
Institut de Médecine Sociale et Préventive (IUMSP), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 16.06.2016 | |||||||
2016-00899 | FACTOR XA – INHIBITION IN RENAL PATIENTS WITH NON-VALVULAR ATRIAL FIBRILLATION OBSERVATIONAL REGISTRY (XARENO-Registry) | non clinical, involving persons | multicentric | A | Prof. Dr. med. Krassen Nedeltchev | GWT-TUD GmbH |
Kantonsspital Aarau AG, Klinik für Neurologie, Aarau Kantonsspital Baden AG, Department Innere Medizin, 5404 Baden Klinik Hirslanden, Zürich Stadtspital Waid Zürich, Zürich |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ, Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 31.07.2016 | Study has ended | ||||
2016-00898 | PALLAS: A randomized phase III trial of Palbociclib with standard adjuvant endocrine therapy versus standard adjuvant endocrine therapy alone for hormone receptor positive (HR+) / human epidermal grow More ... | clinical trial | drugs | phase 3 | multicentric | C | Dr. Anton Oseledchyk | Austrian Breast & Colorectal Cancer Study Group ABCSG |
Universitätsspital, Basel Onkologiezentrum Thun-Berner Oberland, Thun HFR Freiburg – Kantonsspital, Onkologie, 1708 Fribourg Kantonsspital, Luzern Kantonsspital Baden, Frauenklinik, 5404 Baden Hirslan More ... |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ, Ethikkommission Ostschweiz (EKOS), Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern, Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich, Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche G More ... | 06.10.2016 | |||
2016-00897 | Daytime variation of selected immune system proteins - a pilot study | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Dr. Thomas Lung | labormedizinisches zentrum Dr. Risch |
labormedizinisches zentrum Dr.Risch, Schaan |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern | 01.11.2016 | ||||||
2016-00895 |
Trauma as a trigger for autoimmunity – Trauma as a trigger for autoimmunity – a single centre observational cohort study |
non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Dr.Potlukova | (CTU) Innere Medizin, Universitästspital Basel |
Universitätsspital Basel, Basel |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 04.07.2016 | ||||||
2016-00894 | Computer assisted virtual planning and surgical template fabrication for frontoorbital advancement: Outcome evaluation using 3D-photography | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Dr. Jehuda Soleman | Universitätsspital Basel |
University Hospital Basel, Basel |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 25.09.2017 | yes | |||||
2016-00893 | Fokale kardiale Echokardiographie auf der Notfallstation | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Dr. med. | Interdisziplinäre Notfallstation |
Interdisziplinäre Notfallstation Uni, Zürich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 21.07.2016 | |||||||
2016-00892 | Dépistage des Anévrismes de l'aorte Abdominale et de l'artère Poplitée dans la population à Risque (étude DAAP-PR). | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Prof Lucia Mazzolai | CHUV, Service d'angiologie |
CHUV, Lausanne |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 25.08.2016 | ||||||
2016-00891 | iCompassion: Internet-based self-help for more self-compassion | clinical trial | other clinical trials | monocentric | A | Dr. phil. Tobias Krieger | Universität Bern |
Universität Bern, Bern |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern | 30.06.2016 | Study has ended | ||||
2016-00890 | Effect of Cold Temperature on Intraocular Pressure (IOP) | clinical trial | other clinical trials | monocentric | A | dr. Kaweh Mansouri | Genolier Swiss Visio Network. Clinique de Montchoisi. Centre d'Ophtalmologie. |
GSVN. Clinique de Montchoisi. Centre d'Ophtalmologie, Lausanne |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 30.08.2016 | Study has ended | ||||
2016-00889 | Intercalene brachial block versus combined suprascapular - axillary nerve blocks : respiratory and acute pain related outcomes. | clinical trial | other clinical trials | monocentric | A | PD Eric Albrecht | Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois CHUV |
CHUV, Lausanne |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 06.09.2016 | Study has ended | ||||
2016-00888 | Importance of Whole Genome Sequencing for the assessment of outbreaks in Diagnostic Laboratories: analysis of multiple samples taken from patients with severe pediatric and adult Streptococcus pyogene More ... | personal data/biological material | multicentric | Professeur Gilbert Greub | CHUV-UNIL |
Institut de Microbiologie - CHUV - UNIL, 1011 Lausanne Hôpital du Valais, Sion |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 12.07.2016 | Study has ended | |||||
2016-00887 | Evaluation minimalinvasiver Hörimplantation an humanen Schläfenbeinpräparaten | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Prof. Dr. Marco Caversaccio | Universitätsklinik für HNO, Kopf- und Halschirurgie |
HNO Klink, Inselspital, Bern |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern | 23.06.2016 | |||||||
2016-00886 | Traitement conservateur ou chirurgical des abcès pulmonaires pyogènes | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Mme Morgane Udry | CHUV |
Ecole de médecine, Lausanne |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 11.07.2016 | Study has ended | ||||||
2016-00885 | Assessment of centre of pressure excursion during sitting after stroke | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | MSc Physiotherapie, Christoph Bauer | ZHAW Departement Gesundheit |
ZHAW Departement Gesundheit, Winterthur |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 10.10.2016 | Study has ended | |||||
2016-00884 | Plasma protein binding of SMN2 splicing modifiers - a cross-sectional study in plasma samples of infants and older children | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Prof. Marc Pfister | F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd |
University of Basel Children's Hospital, Basel |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 14.07.2016 | yes | Study has ended | ||||
2016-00883 | M15-550: Open-Label, Single Arm, Phase IIIB, Multi-Center Study Evaluating the Safety of Venetoclax (ABT-199) in Treatment-naïve or Relapsed/Refractory Subjects with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL More ... | clinical trial | drugs | phase 3 | multicentric | C | Prof. Dr. Nicolas Mach | Abbvie AG |
Hôpital Universitaires de Genève, Genève Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona e Valli, Bellinzona Klinik für Hämatologie, Universtitätsspital Zürich, 8091 Zürich |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich, Comitato etico cantonale Ticino | 12.09.2016 | Study has ended | ||
2016-00882 | Patterns of response to Nivolumab treatment in advanced Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) | personal data/biological material | monocentric | PD Martin Früh |
Oncology/Hematology, St. Gallen |
Ethikkommission Ostschweiz (EKOS) | 13.06.2016 | ||||||||
2016-00881 | Developmental Coordination Disorder in children – Towards a more precise evaluation of the clinical picture and the underlying mechanisms | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Prof. Dr. Oskar Jenni | Child Development Center, University Children’s Hospital Zurich |
Kinderspital Zürich, Zürich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 17.11.2016 | yes | |||||